Sanitation Cabin
DC PRO Cabin was created with the purpose of disinfecting the user, by spraying him, as well as measuring temperature, sanitizing hands and footwear. There are three models fully customizable.
Basic Pro
Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
Temperature control with infrared sensor
Sparying with automatic heigh sensors
Footweat disinfectant mat
Acess ramp
7” LCD
People count
Voice commands
26L deposit

- Height: 2302mm
- Width: 1268mm
- Depth: 1869mm
- Weight: 180kg

Allows to edit
- Counters
- System
- Parameters

Sensor Pro
Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
Infrared sensors for temperature control
Sparying with automatic height sensors
Footwear desinfectant mat
Acess ramp
7” ramp
People count
Voice commands
26L deposit

- Height: 2302mm
- Width: 1268mm
- Depth: 1869mm
- Weight: 180kg

Allows to edit
- Counters
- System
- Parameters
Cam Pro
Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
Thermal camera for temperature control
Spraying with automatic height sensors
Footwear desinfectant mat
Acess ramp
Exterior mat
7” LCD
Stainless Interior com acabamento em inox
People count
Voice commands
26L deposit

- Height: 2302mm
- Width: 1268mm
- Depth: 2719mm
- Weight: 180kg

Allows to edit
- Counters
- System
- Parameters

Download Presentation
Allows to edit

Through the menu it is possible view and customize several definitions of the equipment.
In the eventuality of being able to properly configure the gantry parameters, you can request remote assistance.

Counting associated to the cabin’s functioning
Passages with spraying
Passages with spraying
Hands disinfection
Total number of passages

General information of the cabin
Date & hour

Parameters of functioning, for better suit to different conditions or needs.
Distance for hand detection
Time for hand detection
Time for alcohol gel dispense
Total cicle of bomb
Power of bomb fuctioning
Maximum detection height
Minimum detection height
Height analysis timeout
Time for passage without spraying
Spraying time
Waiting time after spraying
Depressurization time
Complete cycle sign
Height regulation of levels 1, 2 and 3 of spraying
Customize your cabin with your company’s image.
You can also adjust the color and dimensions according to your preferences.
Models Compared
Basic Pro
- Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
- Spraying with automatic height sensors
- Footwear disinfectant mat
- Acess ramp
- Passages count
- Voice commands
- 26 L deposit
Sensor Pro
- Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
- Spraying with automatic height sensors
- Footwear disinfectant mat
- Acess ramp
- Passages count
- Voice commands
- 26L deposit
- 7” LCD
- Infrared sensor for temperature control
Cam Pro
- Automatic alcohol gel dispenser
- Spraying with automatic height sensors
- Footwear disinfectant mat
- Acess ramp
- Passages count
- Voice commands
- 26L deposit
- 7” LCD
- Thermal cameral for temperature controlmperatura
- Exterior mat
- Stainless steel interior